Full Throttle Coaches Registration June 30, 2024 | No Comments | Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Uncategorized Coach Registration Full Throttle LacrosseCoach Registration: Please fill out this registration form and submit. We will be in touch soon. If you are coaching Girls Varsity, please add your school name. Thank you for Volunteering Harford Sports Performance Center 121 Industry Lane in Forest Hill, MD 21050.Contact InformationCoaches Name: *School or Rec Affiliation Coaches Contact Cell # *Coaches Contact Email: *Assistant Coach Name: Assistant Coach Cell # Assistant Coach Email: Age Group (Choose One): Boys Club 2031Girls VarsityGirls JVBoys Club 2032Boys Club 2033I certify As the undersigned Parent/Legal Guardian of the Player named above I understand that my child will not be covered by any program insurance, and agree that I will not hold the team, the club, the coach, any instructors or Harford Sports Performance Center responsible for injuries received while participating in the above tryout and/or program.Digital Signature *YesNoDate Signed: * VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: