MYLA Rules in effect unless otherwise noted in this document
● Games will be 25-minute running halves with a 5 minute warm-up; 5 minute halftime.
● No Body Checking Body Checking will be defined as contact with the intent of knocking an
opposing player to the ground. Physical contact with a ball carrier will be allowed. Incidental body checks will be 2-minute man down full time, aggressive/intentional body checks, player will be ejected for the game. Ejected player can remain with the team on their sideline
6v6 (Primary Format)
● 1-3-1 + Goalie
● Each team is required to keep 1 player (usually goalie) on defensive end.
● This format will create 5v5 play on either half of the field excluding the goalies
● Face-off format: Each team will have 3 players in the face-off area with wing players against the wall; one player
in the offensive zone and one in the defensive zone (in addition to the goalie) behind the YELLOW line until
possession is signaled.
Equal Competition Rules
● Competitive games are a priority.
● Players on both teams should have fun and love lacrosse.
● Coaches should manage games to be competitive by using techniques such as:
– Forced passing
– Changing player positions
– Requiring opposite hand play
● 4 Goal Differential Rule (Free Clear) will be used.
● At 7 Goals the winning team shall play man down.